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Week 8 Inside Out and Back Again 1

Week 8 Inside Out and Back Again 1

Q Inside Out and Back Again Pages 1- 111 (Part 1: Saigon and Part 2: At Sea) Homework Response #1 Describe the family Character Personality or traits (3 each) Evidence from the text to support what you said is his/her personality Ha Mother Quang Vu Khoi Create a bulleted list (5 or more items) of the challenges the family faces (in Parts 1 and 2). What is your opinion of the story so far? Be specific about what you like/enjoy or do not like/enjoy about the form, story, imagery, etc. List at least 3 examples.

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Character Personality or traits (3 each) Evidence from the text to support what you said is his/her personality Ha Rebellion, sneaky and hopeful First to tiptoe on floor, keeps pushing through even though rough circumstances Mother Crafty. Sad, supportive Always pushed kids Quang Oldest,smart,political,translator Vu Second oldest, cool, fighter Ha gets friends just by saying she is his sis, he teaches her martial arts Khoi third oldest, sensitive, protector , gives her a ride on his bike Create a bulleted list (5 or more items) of the challenges the family faces (in Parts 1 and 2).